Yoga is known to be beneficiary in curing and preventing many diseases. The postures and asanas stimulate the required organs and help you with your ailments. Asthma in today’s time is a very common problem, it is shortness of breath because of the chronic lung condition. Various Symptoms like wheezing, coughing, and heaviness in the chest cause blockage in the lungs. In the case of an asthma attack, a shortage of oxygen can even lead to death. As we are well aware of the fact that Yoga promotes a healthy life. There is a set of Yoga for asthma that helps in offering a healthier lifestyle to asthmatic people.
Yoga for Asthma is known to improve your asthmatic condition by providing free flow of air through the bronchial tubes and air sacs in the lungs. While you continuously practising yoga you can leave your medications behind and not completely rely on them. Asthma attacks would gradually lessen as you increase yoga practice. Breathing exercises specifically pranayama are very useful to open up the lungs for fresh air. Some yoga exercises also involve back bending postures that are known to be very good to open the chest and hence improve the condition of the heart and lungs.
Pranayama is proven to be an excellent way of controlling the breath to avoid asthma attacks. To be even more specific Dirga pranayama is a multi-purpose asana and helps in a slow and deep breathing exercise. Asthma that is triggered by cold can be improved by Ujjayi pranayama. The allergic trigger patterns can be avoided by Sitt Kari or Shitali pranayama. Kapalbhatti pranayama is very good when it comes to reducing mucus congestion. The breathing exercises mentioned are very good to strengthen and relax the muscles of the lungs. There is a reduction in the nerve activity in the airways causing fewer bottlenecks during an attack. Thus it helps cleanse the air passageways to breathe easily. It helps in stabilizing the autonomous nervous systems.
When we practice Pranayam regularly, it can make a tremendous difference to our health. A Deep, regulated, relaxed breathing exercises help to soothe the lining of the bronchial tree and help in putting a stop on irritation from external allergens.
A daily practice of these postures for as less as 15 - 20 minutes will considerably reduce your chances of an asthma attack and may even help you get rid of it. Only a few minutes spent meditating can also help calm your mind.
Asthma may seem to be an everlasting problem. Nevertheless, a problem like Asthma can also be controlled by keeping over a check on asthma which in turn lets you decide for yourself how much you enjoy your life. With a mighty shield-like yoga, you can experience life to its fullest and be carefree. Yoga lets you expand your capabilities and live life wholeheartedly, king size.